The British School in Colombo
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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo

School Routines

Learning the importance of a regular schedule is a great asset in developing a good work ethic. At BSC, we have six 50 minute lessons per day with two breaks (morning and afternoon). After the sixth period, students are dismissed and have the chance to join in our extracurricular activities that we hold within the school.

Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning
Winston Churchill

Senior School Timetable

All students must be in school by 7.30am.

7.25 a.m -8.00 a.m Registration
7.40 a.m - 8.00 a.m Assemblies/Form Activities
8.05  a.m – 8.55 a.m Period 1
9.00  a.m – 9.50  a.m Period 2
9.50  a.m - 10.10  a.m Break
10.15 a.m – 11.05 a.m Period 3
11.10 a.m – 12.00 p.m Period 4
12.00 p.m – 12.40 p.m Lunch
12.45 p.m - 1.35 p.m Period 5
1.40 p.m – 2.30  p.m Period 6

*Registration: Form Tutors register their Tutor Groups in Form Rooms at 07.30 am each day.

**Assemblies: BSC has regular assemblies between 7.30 and 8.10. These may be School, Key Stage, or House Assemblies.